Hotel Room: $70.00
Shower Fee for being in Hotel Room: $20.00
Sleeping in Van at Wal-Mart parking lot: FREE
Step Brothers Movie Viewing in Van while parked at Wal-Mart: $8.00
Police Called on You for having people visit your room by crazy hotel lady: $pain in the ass
Grocery Store Dinner for 10 people: $80.00
A much needed adult beverage: $6.00
Learning how to successfully be homeless and have fun: PRICELESS
Oh, and we also got to see the Grand Canyon!
My time in Oklahoma has come and gone. Never thought I would say this, but the last 2 months have been some of the most enjoyable within the past couple years. I'm reminded everyday how perfect this lifestyle is for me. It fulfills me each day, and the laughter overcomes the struggles each and everyday. I once again have been blessed with working with incredible people. People who I have been told to lead and who in turn have taught me so many things. I have grown through this experience. It has shown me my strengths and confirmed my weaknesses. I now get to move on to far bigger and not better but new things. I will be traveling to Arizona to camp and backpack in the Paria Canyon working for the Grand Canyon Trust. I can't tell you how happy I'm to once again return to a life of simplicity. My Tent, my backpack, my journal, and my hammock. This experience will be lived with a new team of people. I will get to once again build a team, a task that I'm incredibly happy to take on. Seeing a group of strangers come together as a whole is an amazing thing to witness and have a hand in creating. This whole AmeriCorps chapter has really opened my eyes to what makes me happy. I love creating and living in community. If I can find someway to continue to do that for an extended period of time I will be completely content.
"Passion is best expressed through reckless abandonment"
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say "I used everything you gave me"