Finally go to escape from Slippery Rock for a weekend. Besides some events that ended up fine in the end it was a wonderful weekend... Froze my butt off but also was able to find some more of myself. Give me a sleeping bag (perhaps warmer than the one I have) a pair of chaco's and a sunny day and I'm pretty happy. It was nice to get to spend time with people in a simplistic setting. No cell phones, homework, or disturbances to get in the way. Just a walk in the woods with some old friends and new friends singing cheesy songs around a campfire.
Life moves so fast... I would welcome the speed if I knew where it were going.
The woods slow down time, they take away the hectic lifestyle we have all grown accustomed too. My day's are crammed with so many random things that I hardly know when one day starts and another one ends. It makes me sad to think that this semester has passed by and besides some A's and a thicker portfolio I don't have that much to show for it. I wish I would have disappeared into the woods more, floated rivers, hiked trails, slept in on rainy days, ran more on sunny ones, and laughed more with people I may not see for a very long time. When do you compromise who you are for what is expected of you? When do priorities get in the way with experiences? Tomorrow I start the last week of classes in my undergraduate career and it scares me.. a lot. I have prided myself on really becoming completely comfortable with myself this last 4 years. I know who I'm, I know what I want, I'm in love with my life. Now I come to another chapter in my life that I don't know how to start. Without a beginning how can there be an end? Really the thing I'm scared for the most is not feeling home.
"Home is ultimately not about a place to live, but about he people with whom you are most fully alive, Home is about love, relationship, community, belonging.. We are all searching for home.. "
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