Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Growing Up, Moving Forward

With each year I realize more about myself. I have taken the last week of somewhat solitude to read and think about what I want out of this life, and what I'm giving to others. I just finished reading "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan and it really got me thinking about what we give to this world. What our existence does for others? How we need to place our trust in God to help guide our lives. That when we find ourselves lost God will help us to find where we need to go.

In my own life I have concluded that I have never truly put my life in God's hands. That even though I have taken chances in my life, and seen and been a part of some incredible things I have always had a back-up-plan. I have never let myself be completely unsure if I could help it, and when I'm It terrifies me. I need to learn to completely trust in God. To be willing to not have a back-up-plan.

Why put things off that I have wanted to do? Why wait to give until I feel I have excess? I have been given incredible blessings and want to make the most of them in every possible way. I don't want to look into the future at what I could have, while missing out on what I have at this moment.

"Live out in your daily life the love and obedience that God has asked of you"

"God created us in such a way that we need to struggle to stay alive" Gary Thomas- Sacred Marriage

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"Passion is best expressed through reckless abandonment"

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say "I used everything you gave me"