Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Open Table

I have begun to read this book called "The Open Table" it's more a workbook type of reading by Donald Miller one of my favorite authors. Each chapter or session is several pages of passages and writings from the author and then he poses questions that make you really look into your own faith, your beliefs, your past, present and future. I have been answering these questions in the margins of the book with a spectacular pen that makes you want to fill pages with words. I have decided that I would like to post some of those questions here for me to respond to. I always write more and elaborate on my thoughts when I'm able to type instead of write with my own hands. This generation has created that in me I suppose.  Anyway, some of the first questions that this book asks you to think about are "Do you think God likes you". Of course we know that God loves you with all his heart but does he like the person you are?   The same goes with people in our lives. We love people unconditionally because of who they are, and because of the relationship we have with them. That doesn't always mean that we like them at that moment. We can love a person without liking their actions. We can love a person for who we know they are, and who they can be without liking the person they are acting out in daily life.


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"Passion is best expressed through reckless abandonment"

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say "I used everything you gave me"